A mai Kérdések és válaszok munkamenetét a Stack Exchange SuperUser, a szakma által vezetett Q & A webhelyek csoportosulása alapján kapjuk meg.
A kérdés
Érdekes helyzetben van a SuperUser olvasó, a KronoS, aki régi internetkapcsolatához és az új internetkapcsolathoz férhet hozzá egy ideig. Ebben az időszakban ki akarja próbálni őket:
Right now I’m in the process of possibly switching from a Cable provider to a DSL provider. I have both connections live, and before I cancel one or the other, I’m wanting to do some exhaustive testing of the internet connection. I have three major questions:
- What are some approaches that I can quantitatively test the speeds (both up and down) and quality of my internet connections (ping, time connection is down, etc,.)?
- Are there other consideration that should be taken when testing an internet connection?
- Are there any tools that can do this automatically and capture results?
Overall, I’m looking to compare the two connections over multiple periods of time such as peak hours (1600 – 2100 in my area), and with different loads such as streaming movies, uploading files, etc,.
Mi a legjobb módszer az adatkapcsolatok különböző szempontjainak kvantitatív mérésére?
A válasz
A SuperUser közreműködője, Dennis a következő próbaverziókat próbálja kipróbálni:
The Broadband Tests and Tools from DSLReports.com include a simple speed test, as well as long- and short-term line quality tests:
1. Speed Tests
Test your maximum upload speed and download speed from several geographically distributed locations. Java, Flash and iPhone speed test (100% browser) available.
2. Smokeping
Intensively monitor an IP address for 24 or more hours to review packet loss and/or excessive latency variability - from three different US locations 3. Line Quality – Ping Test
Test latency, jitter and packet loss to your IP address, including identification of any problems en-route to you.
The speed test requires Flash or Java; the other two require that your IP is pingable.
In the absence of a specialized tool for long-term speed tests, you could use a command-line network retriever (e.g. Wget or Wget for Windows) and download uncompressable test files with a shell/batch script.
The nearest test files to Arizona I could find are from speedtest.dal01.softlayer.com (Dallas, TX) and speedtest.sea01.softlayer.com (Seattle, WA).
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